Slip And Fall Accidents In Commercial Properties: Your Legal Rights

When you visit a commercial property, whether it’s a shopping mall, grocery store, or restaurant, you expect a safe environment. Unfortunately, slip and fall accidents can happen, leading to injuries and potential legal actions. In Buffalo, NY, understanding your legal rights in these situations is essential. Our friends At Hurwitz, Whitcher & Molloy, know firsthand the dangers that can arise after a slip and fall at a commercial property and why having a slip and fall lawyer on your side is essential. In this guide, we will explore slip and fall accidents in commercial properties and your legal rights when seeking justice.

Understanding Slip And Fall Accidents

Slip and fall accidents occur when a person loses their balance, typically due to a hazardous condition on the property. Some of these conditions can include:

  • Wet or Slippery Floors: Spills that are not promptly cleaned up, as well as wet floors from cleaning or weather conditions, can lead to slip and fall accidents.
  • Uneven Surfaces: Cracked sidewalks, uneven flooring, or torn carpets can pose significant trip hazards.
  • Inadequate Lighting: Poorly lit areas make it difficult to see potential hazards and increase the risk of falls.
  • Obstructed Pathways: Cluttered walkways and debris can impede safe passage, leading to accidents.

Property Owner’s Responsibility

Property owners, including commercial property owners, must provide a safe environment as part of their legal duty. This includes regularly inspecting their premises, promptly addressing potential hazards, and warning visitors of any known dangers.

Legal Rights In Slip And Fall Cases

If you’ve suffered a slip and fall accident on a commercial property, you may have legal rights that entitle you to compensation. Essential, key considerations are:

  • Proving Negligence: To succeed in a slip and fall case, you must demonstrate that the property owner was negligent in their duty to maintain a safe environment. This can include failing to clean up spills, repair hazards, or provide adequate warnings.
  • Comparative Negligence: In Buffalo, NY, even if you were partially at fault for the accident, you may still be entitled to compensation. New York follows a comparative negligence system, meaning that your recovery may be reduced by your percentage of fault.
  • Documenting the Accident: It’s crucial to document the accident as thoroughly as possible. This includes taking photos of the hazardous condition, obtaining contact information from witnesses, and seeking medical attention to evaluate your injuries.

Seeking Legal Representation

While you have legal rights in slip and fall cases, navigating the legal process can be complex. It’s advisable to consult a slip and fall lawyer, who can help you build a strong case. Ways an attorney can provide assistance are:

  • Legal Expertise: A slip and fall attorney is well-versed in premises liability laws and can provide helpful guidance.
  • Investigation and Evidence Gathering: Your attorney can assist in gathering and preserving evidence to strengthen your case.
  • Negotiation and Litigation: A skilled lawyer can negotiate with the property owner’s insurance company on your behalf and, if necessary, take your case to court.
  • Maximizing Compensation: Your attorney’s expertise can help you seek the maximum compensation possible for your injuries.

Understanding your legal rights in slip and fall accidents on commercial properties is essential when pursuing justice.